Corporate Philosophy

Our company name & brand symbol


The word PLENUS in Latin means, “plenty, fulfilling, satisfying, abundant, complete, replete, resonating.” Our company name represents our determination to offer an enriched, satisfactory life, and symbolizes the hope that our company’s success will lead to a community of abundance.

Our brand symbol expresses stability and strength. The red (our main corporate color) letter “I” signifies the sun striving to leap, the enthusiasm to take on the future, and warm and caring communication.

Founding Principle

"Customer First"

"Customer first" is our founding principle. To place priority on the customer, to act from the customer's point of view and to bring joy and satisfaction to the customer - these are at the basis of all our operations. We will put into practice this basic concept, which stands solid even in these fast-changing times.

Corporate Philosophy

We at Plenus will base all our actions on the customer's perspective, and will challenge ourselves to realize customer satisfaction and wellbeing through our food businesses, in order to continue delivering smiles and delight to society.

We operate businesses relating to food. Food is one of the basics of human living, and an energy source for human activities.

We recognize that the most important objective of our food businesses is to provide enjoyment, satisfaction and wellbeing to our customers, and we will think and act from the customer's perspective to realize this goal.

At the core of our work is our aspiration to deliver smiles and delight to a wide range of people engaged in all sorts of business activities, and we will continue challenging ourselves to fulfill this aspiration.

5 Concepts

Bring more smiles to our customers’ faces.
Appreciate community food cultures more.
Do more as a corporation for the environment.
Provide delicious foods to more people.
Help people to be healthier.

These “5 Concepts” sum up what we are doing at present, and what we should strive even harder to do in the future. They further crystalize our founding principle and corporate philosophy, and symbolize the direction in which we are heading. What will we do? How should we do it, and for whom? We will take it upon ourselves to act in order to implement these important guidelines.

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